MAT Medication Chart | Andor Addiction Medicine Compliance Tue, 29 Mar 2022 21:01:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MAT Medication Chart | Andor 32 32 Do You Have a Diversion Control Issue? Thu, 16 Dec 2021 23:47:44 +0000 Summary: Many Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-waived medical providers performing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD) may be unaware if or when they have medication diversion issues with patients. As the random pill count process is laborious for the provider and inconvenient for patients, prescription misuse could easily be overlooked. The Andor Pill Count as a Service (PCaaS) facilitates remote pill counts for MAT diversion control plans via a patient mobile app/provider cloud app called PillCountPro™ that automates the random pill count process. This uniquely effective app helps both the patient and medical provider in their combined responsibility to prevent diversion of controlled substances.

How PillCountPro Works

The prescribing doctors load patients’ names, personal information and details about their prescriptions into the provider-side cloud app. For each MAT recipient entered into the system, pill counts will be arbitrarily scheduled and administered automatically.

Once a patient downloads the corresponding mobile app, available for iPhone or Android, their prescription protocol is monitored and they receive push notification reminders when it is time to take their pills, as well as a log to keep track of medication dosages. Their patient portal also provides them with access to informed consent agreements and DSM-5 evaluations. They can also upload self-assessments of their current well-being.

Perhaps most importantly, the PillCountPro app sends a text message to patients automatically when a pill count is due. Patients will easily submit a record of certified pill counts, accompanied by a time-stamped photo of all remaining pills as proof. This information will be securely forwarded to the provider-side cloud app, where it will be recorded on the patient’s MAT Medication Chart, a dashboard interface that monitors compliance.

Providers will receive alerts if a patient does not provide a pill count or when a pill count was submitted but reflects non-compliance. Physicians will also receive daily reports, such as medication adherence and self-assessment records, among others. These records are stored, accessed and managed by doctors and staff through the provider-side cloud app.

The Andor PCaaS solution is an intuitive and effective mobile platform for monitoring pill counts and MAT progress—improving the critical path to recovery ofOUD patients. With PillCountPro, Office Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT) practices are assured a more compliant, productive and profitable practice with improved patient outcomes.

To learn more, contact us today or request a demo.

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